Customer Success

6 Strategies to Improve your NPS

August 23, 2023

Learning how to improve your NPS is more than just getting customer feedback. Yes, you can do an in-depth analysis of your Net Promoter Score (NPS) and see how you fare against the competition.

But what practical steps are you taking to improve that score? This guide quickly explains six strategies to improve your NPS.

1. Bridge the business-customer gap

The Net Promoter System (NPS) requires getting closer to the customers. Use follow-up emails, one-on-one interviews, Handoff templates, and feedback channels to understand them and the reasons behind the NPS score. You can easily start by assigning an employee to supervise customers’ outreach, listen to their complaints and offer explanations and solutions to their challenges. Expressing concern is an excellent way to improve customer relationships and boost NPS metrics.

2. Instigate a collective approach around the NPS goal

As always, collective actions as a group bring more success. Sensitize every team member and leader of each department on the meaning of NPS, how it is measured and the significance of the company’s annual progress. Enlightening your team on the NPS ratings ensures everyone is focused on reaching more promoters and expanding the organization’s vision. Also, make sure your Customer Success Managers have the right number of accounts assigned to each of them. If you need help in determining in right number of accounts, be sure to read this other blog post.

3. Organize frequent NPS discussion meetings

Short but frequent interactive sessions reiterate your staff’s commitment to achieving targets and company objectives. It also provides a level ground for team members to air their opinions and suggestions on possible ways to move the team forward.

4. Evaluate feedback for training employees

Analyzing the open feedback from your NPS calculations and survey can serve as a compass for areas needing improvement. You can also use feedback to decide on necessary employee training and development programs to improve your customers’ experience. If you need more resources or ideas on topics to cover in training, Gainsight has great Customer Success resources.

5. Perform root cause analysis

Carrying out an NPS analysis is not always sufficient. You also have to determine the possible causes for the observed metrics. Confirming the reasons for the NPS pattern gives a proper direction as to what is expected. Besides, some analysis might have been affected by arbitrary decision-making or seldom occurrences that the results don’t reveal. An example is verifying why a department got poor feedback from promoters and detractors. Is there something they could do better? Or was it simply a product error?

6. Carry out necessary changes and evaluate results

We do not expect you to change your business pattern or methods because of some detractor data. However, consistent issues with certain processes, products or work strategies might be an indicator to make some adjustments. Always compare the NPS scores before and after implementing feedback to ascertain improvements made. Did it yield desired results? Great! Otherwise, return to the analytical data and check what you didn’t do correctly.

Written by:
Wandee Lee

Better Handoffs = Better Retention

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