
Use your CRM data to automate account assignments.

Manage customer assignments with smart workflows and automated account routing. Empower frictionless handoffs for customer facing teams.

Customers love smooth handoffs

Automated Workflows

Use your CRM data to trigger customer handoffs between Sales Reps, CSMs, and Account Managers and initiate Executive escalations.

Data Syncs

Securely sync your CRM and other business systems to power for your customer facing teams.

Routing Assignments

Manage assignments of new and existing customers with a data powered rules engine (*coming soon).

Save Time

Automate manual handoffs with AI so you no longer have to use spreadsheets.

Map out your handoffs
Setup your triggers
Sync your data
Customize your templates

Standardize your handoff process

Let your CRM data work for you, using automated routing to trigger and manage assignments throughout your sales and customer lifecycle.

Your customer shouldn't have to repeat themselves to everyone every time.

Improve customer NPS.

Reduce customer churn.

Speed up time to value.

Increase CSAT.

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Better Handoffs = Better Retention

It is time to unlock the valuable customer insights stuck inside your CRM, inboxes, and business software. Your customers will thank you!